Quarterly Business Imperatives: Achieving Sustainable Growth
In this blog, I, Victor Menasce, will share about the entrepreneurial operating system (EOS) that is being implemented within my company to achieve sustainable growth.
The EOS Framework
EOS has gained massive popularity among various companies, irrespective of their size. The objective is clear: to streamline processes, enhance alignment within the organization, and define a crystal clear vision for the business. EOS operates on a multi-tiered plan that encompasses 10-year, 3-year, 1-year, quarterly, and weekly timelines. Every quarter, we deliberate how our business is running and the measures we need to undertake to rectify what is not on track. We review our previous goals and determine the new business imperatives—what we term as Rocks— for the next quarter.
Defining Our Rocks
You can liken Rocks to the large rocks in a jar filled with pebbles and sand. If you fill the jar with small items first, there won’t be room for the big rocks. But, the vice versa ensures all individual elements are accommodated efficiently. Hence, in a business context, Rocks are strategic goals that must be prioritized, tackled, and completed within a quarter, with the other tasks wrapping around them.
As an example, one of our Rocks for a quarter was working to have a robust execution of projects. This meant ensuring everything from tools like Slack for internal communication to project management tools like Asana were used beneficially and appropriately. We have noticed that enthused, quick communication on platforms like Slack tended to under-utilize more formal tracking tools like Asana. One of the quarter’s Rocks, hence, was shifting the center of gravity within the company to a more structured communication process.
Strengthening Accountability and Structure
While our collaboration and mutual support have been exceptional, we noticed that accountability for timely completion of tasks was not where it needed to be. Unassigned actions, unmarked due dates, and tasks being declared complete without being closed off in the system all resulted in clutter and confusion. Hence, an essential Rock was to revamp the culture to strengthen accountability, as we aim to scale up and add more staff.
In conclusion, setting quarterly business imperatives or Rocks and implementing EOS has not only helped us establish strategic goals but has also improved the overall execution of projects in our company. With the focus on accountability and the need to bring more precision to our execution, we believe this will be an essential step for improving our company’s systems, processes, and staff.
Checklist for Quarterly Business Imperatives |
Set strategic priorities for the quarter (Rocks) |
Aim for more precise execution of projects |
Improve internal communication processes |
Implement tools for better project management |
Strengthen accountability within the team |
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