On today’s show we are looking at a fundamental economic concept, called the law of supply and demand. I have been a huge believer in the law of supply and demand as one of those fundamentals that must be respected. I treat it like a law of physics similar to gravity.You can try to bend the laws of physics, but gravity will usually win that battle.
Suppliers, often struggle with assessing demand, simply based on customer orders.
One of the largest contributors to that confusion is the buffering of demand and supply chain inventories. The larger the buffer, the larger, the potential for confusion. Over the past several decades, businesses all over the world, have aimed to reduce inventories, in order to reduce the cost of carrying that inventory. it takes a lot of working capital to carry inventory on a large scale.
The law of supply and demand is fundamentally rooted in the distinction between demand and utilization. I am making the distinction between demand and utilization. They are different.